Now i was going through some articles on SkalidAce and i found it interesting. SkalidAce actually had the recipient mail and the sender’s name but chose not to publish that. I’m guessing she (the sender) was in a bad state and decided to send this, and begged it gets posted. No edits, this is exactly the mail without the names. Enjoy 
My name is …, am 16 right now, I am a student of … University. I think I want to change my life, no I need to change my life. I want to change my ways. I want to change the way boys see me. I have lost all my girl friends. My world is over. Mummy cannot trust me again. My environment is a bastard. My friends are bastards. Boys are major bastards. I will try to give my life thee o Lord. Things have to start again. Nobody can put their self in my shoe now.
I want to write everything before my battery dies. Pls put it up, uncle Tony says a problem shared is half solved. So I want u to help me put it up. But please don’t remove where I said I’m changing.
I want to write everything before my battery dies. Pls put it up, uncle Tony says a problem shared is half solved. So I want u to help me put it up. But please don’t remove where I said I’m changing.
All my friends had boyfriends, me I dint have. Maybe because I was small, and maybe bacause my body hadn’t came out. Sometimes I hear jist about other school girls but It did not move me. Peer pressure is a bastard. Peer pressure can make u do things. Sometimes all these big artistes that pop in rehab drop my mates in skul, it wunt move me. Girls in hostel carry new summer bags while my mum wunt even top my allowance. Everything that time was just pounding my head. All I did, I just wanted to not feel inferior.
I had to make something for myself. I know people judge me and all God bless you. I met this dude called …, he said he was
‘s manager, he dint lie. He said I should follow his twitter he will dm me and ping me if there is any outings. I was interested inthe artiste, so I cudunt wait for him to ping me.
‘s manager, he dint lie. He said I should follow his twitter he will dm me and ping me if there is any outings. I was interested in
We met get arena during that ….. party, he drove me and my friends back to school, he gave me money too much money, I forgot about
the artiste
., I only saw him one time at rehab and he dint even send my side. Sha the manager gave me more money than my friends get and he had a better ride than others. He dint want anything at that period but he usually presses me, sometimes he will kiss my neck.
the artiste
., I only saw him one time at rehab and he dint even send my side. Sha
That is how all my friends dat dint send my side became close, even boys that heard jist now use to see me as babe. Me I just kept my head high, I knew where I was coming from not to forget where I was going.
One night at Oniru, he took me to his ride, he put me in the back seat, we were both seated there, he started asking me if I was virgin, I dint know how to reply, maybe he wunt give me money again, I dint ansa, he put his hand inside my shimi and was touching me. I don’t kno if it was konji or he snuffed something, he made it look like fight, he was now raping me, I was beggin him he dint stop, upon I was crying he dint stop, my mum now called my and my fone was in my hand, I had to shout to her, I couldn’t move, he held me tight till he finished, I was beggin him. Beggin him, he dint listen, and it was not fun with d way he was duing it. it was painning me, he left me in his car and went back to the party, and I found myself in the hospital, now everybody knows, my mum wunt come here, it has been 2weeks now, she left me here.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
Sad! Sad! Sad!